Abstract Guidelines


  • Final submission deadline is Friday, 23 August 2024
  • The presenting author must be listed as the first author.
  • The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  • Submitted abstracts should include non-published data.
  • Abstracts previously presented will NOT be accepted.
  • All abstracts should be 100-500 words, submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
  • Prior to submission all relevant approvals, clearance, and availability to attend must be in place.
  • You may submit more than 1 abstract. However, presenters that are accepted for oral presentation will be permitted to give only 1 presentation.
  • Abstract Topic – abstracts must be allocated to a specific Theme, Topic and Sub-Topic. For a complete listing of abstract Themes, Topics and Sub-Topics, please view the abstract themes page here.
  • Abstract title - limited to 10 words
  • Technology case studies will be prioritized
  • Abstracts presented with customers will be prioritized
  • Important note: Abstract submission is free of charge, however, speakers accepted abstracts would need to pay a speaker fee of USD 4,400 if not exhibiting/sponsoring at the event.


  • Each technical presentation is strictly limited to 20 minutes only.
  • Each presentation must have no more than 16 slides
  • We do not allow company introductions during presentations
  • Ratio for PPT is 16:9
  • We recommend to keep text to a minimum
  • Ensure any text is in large font
  • Use graphs, charts, and/or tables
  • Ensure contents have a logical flow