45 governments pledge to double global energy efficiency progress by 2030

A total of 45 governments from around the world have endorsed the goal of doubling the average global rate of energy efficiency improvements by the end of the decade, to foster sustainable economic growth and help put the world on a secure and affordable path towards net zero emissions.

This was at the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s 8th Global Conference on Energy Efficiency, held in Versailles, France.

Governments from across Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe highlighted the critical role that energy efficiency can play in improving living standards and energy security, and in accelerating the clean energy transition toward reaching net zero emissions by 2050. This would mean a concerted effort to ramp up annual energy efficiency progress from today’s 2.2 percent, to over 4 percent annually by 2030.

Ministers made it clear in the statement that the public sector must be a role model for improving energy efficiency and driving investment that will encourage other sectors such as industry, services, buildings, transport and agriculture to follow. Ministers also encouraged the private sector to lead action on energy efficiency through innovation and investment, including development of digital solutions.